How will AI in Insurance Shape the Future of the Industry?

Welcome to the future of insurance.

Before we begin learning the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the insurance industry, it's vital for you to have a basic understanding of AI.


Artificial Intelligence: What does it mean?

John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude E. Shannon introduced the term 'Artificial Intelligence' in 1956.

They used the term in a proposal for the now-famous two-month-long conference titled - Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence, held in New Hampshire, USA.

The conference marked the beginning of AI as a distinct field of study.

So, what is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (shortened to 'AI' in general use) is a smart technology that helps computers and machines do tasks that usually need human intelligence.

It allows machines to think, learn, and solve problems like humans. AI uses algorithms and data to understand patterns and make decisions independently.

Overall, AI stands as a marvel of innovation, powering voice assistants, self-driving cars, personalized recommendations, and generative content.


Artificial Intelligence Meets Insurance

AI has developed exponentially since its advent in the 1950s, improving in maturity, scope, access, and cost.

Knowing the above, insurers have been studying how AI can add value to the insurance value chain.

The insurance value chain refers to the step-by-step process that an insurance company follows to provide its services to customers.

The insurance value chain involves the following broad steps:

  1. Product Development: Designing insurance products to meet customer needs and manage risks effectively.
  2. ‍Marketing and Sales: Promoting products to attract clients and selling policies.‍
  3. Underwriting: Assessing risks and determining premium pricing based on customer profiles.‍
  4. Customer Onboarding: Collecting customer information and issuing policies.‍
  5. Policy Administration: Managing policy details, premiums, and coverage terms.‍
  6. Claims Processing: Reviewing and processing claims to support policyholders financially.‍
  7. Customer Service: Providing ongoing support and assistance to customers.‍
  8. Policy Renewals: Offering policy renewals and adjusting coverage as needed.‍
  9. Feedback and Improvements: Using customer feedback to enhance products and services.

Artificial Intelligence can add value in varying degrees in each of the steps in the insurance value chain.

Let's go through an overview of how AI may impact each of these steps.


Artificial Intelligence in Product Development

Let's look at a few use cases of AI in insurance product development.

  • Market Research: AI can help create products that match trends and specific needs, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Tailored Offerings: AI can identify customer segments for personalized products that meet different group needs effectively.‍
  • Faster Innovation: AI can accelerate product development, providing a competitive advantage and seizing new opportunities.
  • Fair Decisions: AI-driven insights can enable highly personalized plans, boosting engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.‍
  • Future Risk Insight: AI can predict trends and risks, guiding the creation of products that tackle upcoming challenges and establishing industry leadership.


Picture an insurance company that employs AI to understand climate change better. This allows them to predict issues like increased natural disasters and health challenges due to changing weather patterns.

Armed with this insight, the company creates innovative insurance plans that offer protection from these concerns.

By doing so, the company not only safeguards individuals but also enhances its reputation by showcasing its proactive and forward-thinking approach in the industry.


Artificial Intelligence in Marketing and Sales

  • Advanced Chat and Voice Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can talk with customers, answer questions, and help with sales. Customers can easily get the information they need, improving their experience.
  • Automated Lead Generation: AI can find potential customers interested in specific insurance products. Insurance companies can reach out to potential buyers faster and more efficiently.
  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: AI can study customer behavior to identify opportunities for suggesting additional insurance products. This helps insurance companies sell more to existing customers.


Imagine 'SellEasy,' an advanced AI-powered sales assistant transforming insurance interactions.Β 

A potential client, let's call them 'Priya,' visits the insurance company's website or mobile app seeking home insurance.

SellEasy engages Priya in a chat conversation, warmly welcoming her and asking about her needs.

Using natural language understanding, it comprehends Priya's responses and offers personalized coverage options.Β 

Through the chat, it explains policy details and benefits as well as addresses Priya's queries promptly, creating a comfortable and informative environment.

Impressively, SellEasy can seamlessly switch to a voice-based conversation. It initiates a call, introducing itself as a virtual insurance advisor.

During the call, SellEasy actively listens and responds, offering recommendations based on Priya's preferences and previous chat history. By integrating voice and chat seamlessly, SellEasy provides a cohesive, omni-channel experience.

At the end of the conversation, SellEasy guides Priya through policy selection and payment. Through chat and voice-based interactions, SellEasy exemplifies the future of personalized, intuitive, and automated insurance sales, ensuring a positive customer journey.


Artificial Intelligence in Underwriting

  • Better Accuracy: AI looks at data to help underwriters make more accurate decisions about insurance coverage and pricing, making fewer mistakes.‍
  • Faster Risk Evaluation: AI can quickly analyze lots of data about customers and risks, making the underwriting process quicker.‍
  • Spotting Fraud: AI can find suspicious patterns in applications, helping stop fraudulent claims and keeping insurance fair.‍
  • Always Learning: AI keeps improving by learning from past decisions, making it more precise over time.‍
  • Fair Decisions: AI ensures that underwriting decisions follow consistent rules, avoiding unfair treatment.‍
  • ‍
  • Happier Customers: AI speeds up underwriting, leading to faster policy approvals and making customers more satisfied with the process.


Imagine 'Raj' seeking health coverage from HealthSure AI, a fictitious AI-powered insurance company.Β 

Upon application, the company will carefully analyze Raj's information, ensuring accurate policy recommendations, thus reducing costly mistakes.

HealthSure AI's speed in assessing Raj's health history and data streamlines the underwriting process.Β 

By quickly evaluating risks and needs in seconds, the AI expedites decision-making, ultimately saving time and resources.

The AI's ability to detect anomalies and potential inconsistencies also prevents fraudulent claims, cutting down on unnecessary payouts. And it can perform this process simultaneously for multiple cases.

By making the underwriting process faster, more accurate, and fraud-resistant, HealthSure AI contributes to the insurance company's bottom line, creating a win-win scenario.


Artificial Intelligence in Customer Onboarding

  • Streamlined Data Collection: An AI chatbot chats with customers, collects data and documents, and checks their quality instantly using advanced computer vision.
  • Faster Approval: AI automates application reviews, making it quicker to approve insurance policies.
  • ‍Instant Coverage: With AI, policies can be issued immediately after approval, giving customers instant coverage.‍
  • Preventing Fraud: AI spots suspicious data to stop fraudulent applications and policies.‍
  • 24/7 Support: AI chatbots and voice assistants help customers anytime, answering questions during onboarding for better service.‍
  • Automated Documents: AI instantly creates and sends policy documents to customers, saving time on paperwork.


Imagine 'AIInsure Onboard,' a fictitious innovative system transforming insurance customer onboarding. Let's follow 'Amit,' who seeks auto coverage.

Amit applies online, and AIInsure Onboard springs to action. AI swiftly reviews his details, accelerating the approval process. Amit's policy is approved in record time, ensuring a seamless experience.

What's remarkable is that AIInsure Onboard doesn't stop there. It issues Amit's policy instantly, providing him with immediate coverage.Β 

Also, AIInsure Onboard's vigilance shines as it identifies and halts suspicious data patterns, preventing fraudulent applications and ensuring a fair system.

For 24/7 support, AI chatbots and voice assistants step in. Amit's questions during onboarding are promptly answered, offering exceptional service anytime.

The convenience continues as AI generates policy documents instantly, saving both Amit and the company valuable time.


Artificial Intelligence in Policy Administration

  • Integration with Customer Data: AI can work with customer databases, remembering how customers paid before and what they liked. This helps AI remind customers to pay on time and offers payment options based on how they like to do things.‍
  • Automated Premium Billing: AI can automatically send bills to customers and process their payments without needing people to do it. This makes sure customers get their bills on time and can pay easily.‍
  • Customer Communication: AI can talk to customers and give them quick answers to their questions. This makes customer support better and faster.‍
  • Quick Transactions: AI helps customers update their insurance policies quickly without waiting a long time. This saves them time and makes things more efficient.


Meet 'AI-PolicyCare,' an imaginary AI-powered insurance company. Let's follow the journey of 'Raj,' an AI-PolicyCare beneficiary, as he experiences the seamless benefits of AI-enhanced policy administration.

One day, Raj receives an automated bill notification from AI-PolicyCare. The AI not only sends the bill promptly but also processes his payment using the method he's comfortable with. It's a refreshing change from the traditional hassle of bill payments, and Raj is impressed by the efficiency.

Curious about a coverage detail, Raj decides to ask a question. Instead of navigating complex menus, he engages AI-PolicyCare in conversation.Β 

He receives a clear and concise response within moments, leaving him satisfied and informed. The AI's ability to provide instant support leaves a positive impression on Raj.

As life progresses, Raj's circumstances evolve, leading him to consider updating his policy. He submits his changes through a user-friendly interface, and the AI quickly processes his request.


Artificial Intelligence in Claims Processing

  • Picture and Document Check: AI can look at images and papers that customers send to check claims faster.
  • Sorting Claims: AI can organize claims based on how important and urgent they are, so important ones get resolved quickly.
  • Checking Claim Data: AI reviews claim details and past information to ensure claims are valid and correct.
  • Stopping Fraud: AI can find tricky claims that might be fake, preventing dishonest payouts.
  • Talking to Customers: AI-powered chatbots can speak with customers, give them updates, and help with their claims.
  • Estimating Payouts: AI can calculate how much money customers might get based on their policy and past cases, helping with faster resolutions.
  • Fast Claim Approval: For straightforward claims, AI can approve payouts automatically without needing much human input.
  • Happier Customers: AI speeds up the whole process, making customers happier as they get quick responses and payments.


Let's take the example of 'ClaimEase AI, an imaginary game-changer in insurance claims processing.Β 

Enter Sonia, who experiences the remarkable benefits firsthand.

When Sonia's car sustains damage, she submits images and documents to ClaimEase AI. The AI swiftly reviews them, expediting her claim assessment.

The AI cross-references Sonia's claim details with her history, verifying accuracy and validity. This meticulous process ensures fair and efficient claim resolutions.

ClaimEase AI's vigilance against fraud safeguards against deceitful claims, preserving the integrity of the process.

For Sonia's inquiries and updates, AI-powered chatbots come to her aid. They provide real-time assistance, guiding her through the process with ease.

Lastly, through AI's financial estimation, Sonia gains insight into her potential payout. This transparency expedites resolutions, saving her time and uncertainty.

Sonia's journey showcases how ClaimEase AI transforms the claims experience. With rapid responses, accurate assessments, and attentive support, she emerges as a satisfied and content policyholder.


Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service

  • Instant Help: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are like smart helpers that answer questions from customers all the time, straightforward or complex, during the day or at night.
  • Personalized Interaction: AI can analyze customer data to tailor responses and provide personalized assistance to each customer.
  • Talking in Different Languages: AI can understand and speak in different languages so that it can talk to customers from all over the world without any problems.
  • Getting Help from the Right Person: If needed, AI can send a customer's questions to the best service person who can help that customer.
  • Quick Access to Info: In complex cases, AI helps customer service representatives quickly access relevant customer information during interactions.
  • Improving Customer Service: AI listens to what customers say and learns from it to make customer service even better. It knows what customers like and what they don't like so that it can improve.


Let's look at 'ServeSmart AI Support,' a fictitious company that transforms customer service into a seamless experience through AI. Consider 'Kabir,' who encounters the power of AI in customer assistance.

When Kabir has questions, ServeSmart AI's chatbot springs to action. 24/7 availability ensures instant help, whether day or night, guiding Kabir through queries.

Analyzing Kabir's history, it tailors responses, making each interaction unique and relevant.

Furthermore, should Kabir want to speak with a human, ServeSmart AI routes it to the best-suited representative, ensuring swift and accurate resolutions.


Artificial Intelligence in Policy Renewals

  • Helpful Reminders: Smart AI sends automatic reminders to remind policyholders when it's time to renew their insurance policies.
  • Quick Answers: AI-powered chatbots and voice assistants can instantly answer policyholders' questions about policy renewals by looking at their information.
  • Understanding Risk: The system checks if anything has changed in the person's situation to decide the best coverage and price for their renewal.
  • Cross-Selling Opportunities: AI tells policyholders about the most suitable riders or coverage change options they might benefit from during renewal.
  • Thanking Loyal Customers: AI can see how loyal policyholders have been and may give them special rewards for staying with the insurance company for a long time.


Let's discuss 'RenewEase AI,' a fictitious, helpful tool for renewing insurance. Imagine a person named 'Reena' who has insurance and needs to renew it. RenewEase AI makes things easier for her.

First, the AI reminds Reena when it's time to renew her insurance. It sends her messages so she doesn't forget.

If Reena has questions about renewing her insurance, she can ask the AI. The AI knows all about her insurance and can answer her questions quickly.

When it's time to renew, the AI looks at Reena's situation to make sure her insurance is still suitable for her. It checks if anything has changed.

The AI can also suggest extra things Reena might need, like special coverage or additional benefits. And if Reena has been with the insurance company for a long time, the AI might give her a special reward to say thank you.

With RenewEase AI, Reena's insurance renewal becomes more accessible and personalized, like having a helpful friend by her side.


Artificial Intelligence in Feedback and Improvements

  • Advanced Analytics: AI's data analysis capabilities enable insurance companies to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI predicts future trends and outcomes based on historical data, guiding strategic planning.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI uses NLP to understand and extract valuable information from unstructured data, such as customer feedback or claim notes.
  • Real-time Data Analysis: AI processes data in real-time, enabling quick responses and real-time operations monitoring.


Let's consider 'AI-Insight,' the imaginary key to constant improvement in the insurance world. Let's follow 'Mira,' a beneficiary of AI-driven enhancements.

Mira's insurance company uses AI-Insight's advanced analytics to understand customers better. By looking at data, they discover what works well and what doesn't. This helps them make more intelligent decisions to improve their services.

AI-Insight doesn't stop at the present; it looks into the future too. By analyzing past data, it predicts what might happen next in the insurance world. This guides the company's plans and strategies.

Imagine Mira giving feedback about her claim process. AI-Insight uses its language skills to understand what she's saying and learn from it. This helps the company figure out how to make things even better.

The best part is that AI-Insight works fast. It looks at data immediately, helping the company respond quickly to any issues. This real-time data analysis also helps the company keep track of everything happening.

β€œOur industry is on the verge of a major transformation with AI. At iorta, we believe AI isn't just a toolβ€”it's a partner that will help insurers work smarter, serve customers better, and unlock new opportunities. The future of AI in insurance is about simplifying processes, making decisions faster, and ensuring every policyholder feels taken care of.”,
Himanshu Gupta, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of iorta Technology Solutions.


Building customer trust on AI-usage in insurance

Earning and building customers' trust in AI-usage within insurance is critical to getting the benefits mentioned above. If customers don’t get on board the policy of submitting their data for AI analysis, the positive outcomes across underwriting, claims management, and other processes will not be realized.Β 

To get customer buy-in on a mass scale, insurance companies need to build trust. They can take several actions to do so, including but not limited to, the following points:

‍Transparency and Education:

  • Clearly communicate how AI is used and its benefits in enhancing customer experiences and improving processes.
  • Provide easily understandable explanations of how AI-driven decisions are made in underwriting, claims, and other areas.
  • Offer educational resources, FAQs, and accessible content that demystify AI technology.
  • Showcase how AI leads to faster claims processing, personalized offerings, and improved customer experiences.
  • Share success stories and testimonials from customers who have benefited from AI-driven services.

Data Privacy and Security:

  • Ensure stringent data protection measures to safeguard customer information against breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Clearly state the security protocols in place to protect customer data from misuse or unauthorized sharing.

Human Oversight and Collaboration:

  • Emphasize that AI augments human decision-making rather than completely replacing it.
  • Highlight how human experts are involved in refining AI algorithms and making final judgments.

Fairness and Bias Mitigation:

  • Implement measures to detect and address bias in AI algorithms to ensure equitable treatment.
  • Regularly audit AI models to ensure they do not disproportionately impact specific groups.

Customer Empowerment:

  • Provide customers with tools to understand their data and how it's used to customize insurance offerings.
  • Enable customers to review and modify their data preferences easily.

Regulatory Compliance and Ethics:

  • Adhere to data protection regulations and compliance standards to assure customers of ethical AI usage.
  • Develop and adhere to a set of ethical guidelines that govern the usage of AI technology in insurance.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Continuously seek feedback from customers on their experiences with AI-enabled services.
  • Act on customer feedback to refine AI models and enhance services.


By adopting these strategies and customizing them per their business context, insurance companies can foster customer trust in AI applications, demonstrating responsible and ethical practices that prioritize customer interests, security, and value.


Concluding Remarks

It’s clear that artificial intelligence can make a big difference in the insurance industry.

Smart technologies like AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can help insurance companies give customers faster and more personalized help.Β 

AI's data analysis and prediction skills can help companies make more intelligent choices, making insurance plans that fit customers better. Also, AI can make claim processing faster and find tricky fraud cases.

All of this will make the insurance industry work better for customers and focus on their needs. Embracing AI is a big step forward and will make insurance more modern and fair for everyone.

However, companies need to keep the customer at the center-stage and build policies that emphasize their needs while integrating AI across their value chain.

Did you know that at iorta Technology Solutions, we have our own Gen AI-powered system, Dot? Like the article above, Dot can autonomously handle various insurance business functions and is configurable to suit insurers' needs! Want to know more? Reach out to us at, and let’s schedule a 15-minute exploratory call.

